Fungus in the toes of the feet – the problem become many. The itching, burning and the unpleasant appearance of the skin and of the nails is just a small part. The disease is dangerous complications that cure is even more difficult. However, to deal with the problem, if you are serious about the treatment of the fungal infection (mycosis).

Why occurs the fungus in your feet?
Fungi are one of the types of infectious agents that affect the epidermis. It is difficult to agreed to, and extremely robust microorganisms. Therefore, mycoses require an integrated approach and treatment.
The fungi have their favorite habitats in the skin. First of all, it is the skin of the fingers of the feet and the nails. The reason for this is clear – the soles of the feet are typically found in the interior of the footwear inside of which accumulates a large amount of moisture and dirt, and is also very hot. Therefore, the fungi that live on the soles of the feet, a lot of food and a favorable microclimate for reproduction. Some types of complex of fungi most often affect the skin and other types of fungi, for example, yeast and molds, prefer nail plate. It is also possible the infection simultaneously of several types of fungi.
Favour the development of fungus on the toes of the feet:
- the reduction of the local and the immunity;
- the poor hygiene of the feet;
- uncomfortable and narrow shoes;
- no change of socks or tights;
- the use of socks, tights or synthetic, do not lose air from the materials;
- regulate the supercooling or overheating of the feet;
- circulatory disorders in the legs;
- varicose veins;
- chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus;
- long of antibiotic treatment;
- increased sweating of the feet;
- the lack in the body of the vitamins and mineral elements;
- the mechanical damage of the skin, the corn, the injuries of the feet;
- the excess of weight, excess physical burden in your feet.
- spot of the nail brush on the feet.
The most important of these factors – the immunity and the violation of the circulation of the blood in the legs. The decrease in immunity can occur due to several reasons. This is often serious chronic diseases, especially the infectious diseases. Also immunity can be affected by hiv, the intake of immunosuppressive drugs, the cancer. No less important is the poor circulation in the toes – due to disease of the vessels, the blood, diabetes, smoking.
Fungal stop can develop in men and women. The adults appear more frequently than children.
Some types of fungi constantly live in the skin and are activated only in adverse circumstances, for example, fungi of the species candida. And other types are spread from person to person. The infection can occur when you visit the gym, the bathrooms, the shower, if the person does not have personal footwear. Also considerably the risk of infection are people wearing outside shoes or socks, or that other people use. Often, the infection occurs when the use of the same towels, nail Polish, accessories, etc Factors that increase the probability of getting – cuts in the surface of the skin, the deformation of the nail plate.
The symptoms of mycosis of the toes
The main symptoms of mycosis of the feet of the itching and burning. You may also have redness of the skin, small bubbles, increasing the peeling and corns and calluses of the skin, the smell unpleasant. The first symptoms of fungal infection of the skin can be confused with simple irritation.
The symptoms of the onichamicosis
The fungus can affect not only the skin but also the nails. The last variant fungal infection is called onychomycosis. The main symptom of the onichamicosis modification of the structure and the appearance of the nail of their greater fragility. The nail-yellowing, appear on their surface furrows and fissures, nail plate thickens and deforms. If you do not participate in the treatment, the nail of a finger will slowly detach from the nail bed and crumble.
As you see the fungus on the finger: picture
You must not establish the diagnosis independently, through the photos. The diagnosis must be qualified by a dermatologist.
Only he is able to determine the type of fungus. To do this it may be necessary not only to the external inspection of the feet, but also the laboratory tests of skin scrapings.

However, the presence of signs, even remotely, that remember that show in the pictures, reason for concern and treatment.
The treatment of the disease is complex and takes place in the home under the supervision of a doctor.
The fungus on the pinky
The fungus can affect the skin of any finger of the foot. But our shipments in the leg are most vulnerable to the infection. The little finger on tight shoes it is often compressed, so that in the skin occur wear and alters the circulation of the blood. The defeat of the nail and little finger of the disease develops very rapidly, faster than in any other nail. An infection in the little finger, the infection is very quick you can touch and the other fingers.
The fungus in the little finger of the leg treated in the same way, as the fungus in other areas of the skin. When the onychomycosis of the nail of the little finger more rational the output can be the removal of your surface of the nail. This operation does not require great discomfort to the patient, since the nail on the little finger grows rapidly. However, until the nail does not grow back again (this may take between 3 and 4 months), you should use antifungal drugs for the prevention of re-infection.
To cure fungus on your toes?
The treatment mycosis should begin when the first symptoms alarming. In the first place, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist for a diagnosis. Before you start the treatment, you must establish the fact of the presence of mycosis and the type of pathogenic microorganisms. To this end, the doctor will take a scraping of the skin or cut off a piece of nail (the defeat of the nail). Are dealt the analysis of blood, the blood sugar. Mycosis of the skin stop you must differentiate:
- other infectious diseases of the skin;
- allergic reactions;
- the dermatosis caused by diabetes, vascular disease, stress, and nervous diseases.
For the treatment of mycoses of the feet often used the local resources (sprays, ointments, creams). Only in severe cases, the doctor may prescribe an antifungal tablet. Most often applied to the tablet fluconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine.
The treatment is based on the use of antimicrobial agents. This kind of medications contain substances that kill fungi (fungicidal) or stop playing.
Also apply local treatments with anti-bacterial properties, anti-inflammatory and keratolytic properties. Antibacterial agents are assigned to the case, if occurs, the resentment, that is to say, to a fungal infection binds to the bacteria. Anti-inflammatory drugs well with unpleasant symptoms – from itching and burning. However, do not affect the cause of the disease – pathogenic microorganisms. To keratolytics tools include zinc, sulphuric acid and sulphur-salicylic acid ointment. They speed up regeneration of the skin tissues thanks to to accelerate the exfoliation loss of the epidermis.
For the treatment of mycoses of the feet also apply to the bathtub with an antiseptic media – solutions of permanganate, iodine, salt, sodium bicarbonate, boric acid. Tubs the best thing you can do before you go to sleep for 20 minutes. To avoid contamination of spores required for processing areas of healthy skin chlorhexidine, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, permanganate. For the therapy of onichamicosis are used varnish with antifungal substances. These varnishes should be applied on the nail plate.
Ointments and creams are to be applied in the pre-wash and clean skin with the frequency specified in the instruction of the tool. The scope of application of the ointment should be a little larger than the visible area of the defeat. For the layout of the plate of the nail lacquer of the nail due to steam, jagged edges of its sanding file nail, and the surface of the nail, applied the alcohol solution.
In the popular medicine for the release of the mycosis on the feet are used decoctions of medicinal herbs – chamomile, calendula, sage, st. john's wort, mint, vinegar, onion and lemon juice.
What to do when a fungus on the finger does not go through?
The treatment mycosis – long and difficult process. Fungi organisms are very tenacious, and for a couple of days to get rid of them is impossible. Sometimes it takes many months of careful therapy. You can't interrupt the therapy even for a day. The treatment onichamicosis may not end up that does not re-grow new, healthy nail plate.

It is important to also take into account other factors related to the development of the disease. The lack of hygiene of the skin and the optimum stop temperature can be reduced to zero all of the therapeutic efforts. This means that it should be washed regularly the surface of the skin of the foot to avoid overheating or overcooling. It is also important to avoid the mechanical damage of the skin, an excessive load on the feet, cuts and injuries. Excess weight increases the pressure on the feet, therefore, if you are suffering from the fullness, and worth thinking about in losing weight.
If the patient is permanently infected by the fungus from shoes, then it has no powerful medicines, because the place of the dead of the microorganisms will immediately occupy new. Therefore, you should get rid of all of the factors that contribute to the reuse of the infection. You can't walk in the other's shoes, socks. Socks must be carefully washed and changed regularly. The inner surface of the shoes should be sprayed by the media.
When diligent athlete's foot it is necessary to analyze the general state of health. Maybe this will help to identify the causes of the violation of the immunity and the circulation of the blood in the legs. Therefore, it is possible, you have to pass a full examination and to avoid problems with the heart, blood, vessels, organs of the endocrine system.
Finally, there is the possibility that microorganisms have developed resistance to the used for the antimicrobial tool. Then it will be necessary to change product. Maybe a system of antimicrobial agents in the pills. The dose of medications you should collect the specialist dermatologist.